Source code for minos.networks.brokers.dynamic.brokers

from __future__ import (

import logging
from asyncio import (
from typing import (
from uuid import (

from aiopg import (
from cached_property import (
from dependency_injector.wiring import (
from psycopg2.sql import (

from minos.common import (

from ...exceptions import (
from ...utils import (
from ..handlers import (
from ..publishers import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DynamicBroker(BrokerHandlerSetup): """Dynamic Broker class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, topic: str, publisher: BrokerPublisher, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.topic = topic self.publisher = publisher
@classmethod def _from_config(cls, *args, config: MinosConfig, **kwargs) -> DynamicBroker: kwargs["publisher"] = cls._get_publisher(**kwargs) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return cls(**, **kwargs) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @staticmethod @inject def _get_publisher( publisher: Optional[BrokerPublisher] = None, broker_publisher: BrokerPublisher = Provide["broker_publisher"], **kwargs, ) -> BrokerPublisher: if publisher is None: publisher = broker_publisher if publisher is None or isinstance(publisher, Provide): raise NotProvidedException(f"A {BrokerPublisher!r} object must be provided.") return publisher async def _setup(self) -> None: await super()._setup() async def _destroy(self) -> None: await super()._destroy() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] async def send(self, *args, reply_topic: None = None, **kwargs) -> UUID: """Send a ``BrokerMessage``. :param args: Additional positional arguments. :param reply_topic: This argument is ignored if ignored in favor of ``self.topic``. :param kwargs: Additional named arguments. :return: The ``UUID`` identifier of the message. """ return await self.publisher.send(*args, reply_topic=self.topic, **kwargs)
[docs] async def get_one(self, *args, **kwargs) -> BrokerHandlerEntry: """Get one handler entry from the given topics. :param args: Additional positional parameters to be passed to get_many. :param kwargs: Additional named parameters to be passed to get_many. :return: A ``HandlerEntry`` instance. """ return (await self.get_many(*args, **(kwargs | {"count": 1})))[0]
[docs] async def get_many(self, count: int, timeout: float = 60, **kwargs) -> list[BrokerHandlerEntry]: """Get multiple handler entries from the given topics. :param timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for messages. :param count: Number of entries to be collected. :return: A list of ``HandlerEntry`` instances. """ try: entries = await wait_for(self._get_many(count, **kwargs), timeout=timeout) except TimeoutError: raise MinosHandlerNotFoundEnoughEntriesException( f"Timeout exceeded while trying to fetch {count!r} entries from {self.topic!r}." )"Dispatching '{entries if count > 1 else entries[0]!s}'...") return entries
async def _get_many(self, count: int, max_wait: Optional[float] = 10.0) -> list[BrokerHandlerEntry]: result = list() async with self.cursor() as cursor: await cursor.execute(self._queries["listen"]) try: while len(result) < count: await self._wait_for_entries(cursor, count - len(result), max_wait) result += await self._get_entries(cursor, count - len(result)) finally: await cursor.execute(self._queries["unlisten"]) return result async def _wait_for_entries(self, cursor: Cursor, count: int, max_wait: Optional[float]) -> None: if await self._get_count(cursor): return while True: try: return await wait_for(consume_queue(cursor.connection.notifies, count), max_wait) except TimeoutError: if await self._get_count(cursor): return async def _get_count(self, cursor) -> int: await cursor.execute(self._queries["count_not_processed"], (self.topic,)) count = (await cursor.fetchone())[0] return count async def _get_entries(self, cursor: Cursor, count: int) -> list[BrokerHandlerEntry]: entries = list() async with cursor.begin(): await cursor.execute(self._queries["select_not_processed"], (self.topic, count)) for entry in self._build_entries(await cursor.fetchall()): await cursor.execute(self._queries["delete_processed"], (,)) entries.append(entry) return entries @cached_property def _queries(self) -> dict[str, str]: # noinspection PyTypeChecker return { "listen": _LISTEN_QUERY.format(Identifier(self.topic)), "unlisten": _UNLISTEN_QUERY.format(Identifier(self.topic)), "count_not_processed": _COUNT_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY, "select_not_processed": _SELECT_NOT_PROCESSED_ROWS_QUERY, "delete_processed": _DELETE_PROCESSED_QUERY, } @staticmethod def _build_entries(rows: list[tuple]) -> list[BrokerHandlerEntry]: return [BrokerHandlerEntry(*row) for row in rows]
_LISTEN_QUERY = SQL("LISTEN {}") _UNLISTEN_QUERY = SQL("UNLISTEN {}") # noinspection SqlDerivedTableAlias _COUNT_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY = SQL( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT id FROM consumer_queue WHERE topic = %s FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) s" ) _SELECT_NOT_PROCESSED_ROWS_QUERY = SQL( "SELECT id, topic, partition, data, retry, created_at, updated_at " "FROM consumer_queue " "WHERE topic = %s " "ORDER BY created_at " "LIMIT %s " "FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED" ) _DELETE_PROCESSED_QUERY = SQL("DELETE FROM consumer_queue WHERE id = %s")