Source code for minos.networks.brokers.publishers.producers

from __future__ import (

import logging
from asyncio import (
from typing import (

from aiokafka import (
from aiopg import (
from cached_property import (
from dependency_injector.wiring import (
from psycopg2.sql import (

from minos.common import (

from ...utils import (
from ..handlers import (
from ..messages import (
from .abc import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BrokerProducer(BrokerPublisherSetup): """Broker Producer class."""
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, broker_host: str, broker_port: int, retry: int, records: int, client: Optional[AIOKafkaProducer] = None, consumer: BrokerConsumer = Provide["broker_consumer"], **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.broker_host = broker_host self.broker_port = broker_port self.retry = retry self.records = records self._client = client self.consumer = consumer
@classmethod def _from_config(cls, config: MinosConfig, **kwargs) -> BrokerProducer: kwargs["broker_host"] = kwargs["broker_port"] = kwargs["consumer"] = cls._get_consumer(**kwargs) # noinspection PyProtectedMember return cls(**, **kwargs) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @staticmethod @inject def _get_consumer( consumer: Optional[BrokerConsumer] = None, broker_consumer: BrokerConsumer = Provide["broker_consumer"], **kwargs, ) -> BrokerConsumer: if consumer is None: consumer = broker_consumer if consumer is None or isinstance(consumer, Provide): raise NotProvidedException(f"A {BrokerConsumer!r} object must be provided.") return consumer async def _setup(self) -> None: await super()._setup() await self.client.start() async def _destroy(self) -> None: await self.client.stop() await super()._destroy()
[docs] async def dispatch_forever(self, max_wait: Optional[float] = 60.0) -> NoReturn: """Dispatch the items in the publishing queue forever. :param max_wait: Maximum seconds to wait for notifications. If ``None`` the wait is performed until infinity. :return: This method does not return anything. """ async with self.cursor() as cursor: await cursor.execute(self._queries["listen"]) try: while True: await self._wait_for_entries(cursor, max_wait) await self.dispatch(cursor) finally: await cursor.execute(self._queries["unlisten"])
async def _wait_for_entries(self, cursor: Cursor, max_wait: Optional[float]) -> None: if await self._get_count(cursor): return while True: try: return await wait_for(consume_queue(cursor.connection.notifies, self.records), max_wait) except TimeoutError: if await self._get_count(cursor): return async def _get_count(self, cursor) -> int: await cursor.execute(self._queries["count_not_processed"], (self.retry,)) count = (await cursor.fetchone())[0] return count
[docs] async def dispatch(self, cursor: Optional[Cursor] = None) -> None: """Dispatch the items in the publishing queue. :return: This method does not return anything. """ is_external_cursor = cursor is not None if not is_external_cursor: cursor = await self.cursor().__aenter__() async with cursor.begin(): await cursor.execute(self._queries["select_not_processed"], (self.retry, self.records)) rows = await cursor.fetchall() futures = (self.dispatch_one(row) for row in rows) result = zip(await gather(*futures), rows) for (published, row) in result: query_id = "delete_processed" if published else "update_not_processed" await cursor.execute(self._queries[query_id], (row[0],)) if not is_external_cursor: await cursor.__aexit__(None, None, None)
@cached_property def _queries(self) -> dict[str, str]: # noinspection PyTypeChecker return { "listen": _LISTEN_QUERY, "unlisten": _UNLISTEN_QUERY, "count_not_processed": _COUNT_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY, "select_not_processed": _SELECT_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY, "delete_processed": _DELETE_PROCESSED_QUERY, "update_not_processed": _UPDATE_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY, }
[docs] async def dispatch_one(self, row: tuple) -> bool: """Dispatch one row. :param row: A row containing the message information. :return: ``True`` if everything was fine or ``False`` otherwise. """ topic, message, strategy = row[1], row[2], row[3] # noinspection PyBroadException try: if strategy == BrokerMessageStrategy.UNICAST and topic in self.consumer.topics: await self.consumer.enqueue(topic, -1, message) return True except Exception as exc: logger.warning(f"There was a problem while trying to use the consumer: {exc!r}") return await self.publish(topic, message)
[docs] async def publish(self, topic: str, message: bytes) -> bool: """Publish a new item in the broker (kafka). :param topic: The topic in which the message will be published. :param message: The message to be published. :return: A boolean flag, ``True`` when the message is properly published or ``False`` otherwise. """ logger.debug(f"Producing message with {topic!s} topic...") # noinspection PyBroadException try: await self.client.send_and_wait(topic, message) return True except Exception: return False
@property def client(self) -> AIOKafkaProducer: """Get the client instance. :return: An ``AIOKafkaProducer`` instance. """ if self._client is None: # pragma: no cover self._client = AIOKafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=f"{self.broker_host}:{self.broker_port}") return self._client
# noinspection SqlDerivedTableAlias _COUNT_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY = SQL( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT id FROM producer_queue WHERE retry < %s FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) s" ) _SELECT_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY = SQL( "SELECT * " "FROM producer_queue " "WHERE retry < %s " "ORDER BY created_at " "LIMIT %s " "FOR UPDATE " "SKIP LOCKED" ) _DELETE_PROCESSED_QUERY = SQL("DELETE FROM producer_queue WHERE id = %s") _UPDATE_NOT_PROCESSED_QUERY = SQL("UPDATE producer_queue SET retry = retry + 1, updated_at = NOW() WHERE id = %s") _LISTEN_QUERY = SQL("LISTEN producer_queue") _UNLISTEN_QUERY = SQL("UNLISTEN producer_queue")