Source code for minos.networks.utils

import re
import socket
from asyncio import (

[docs]def get_host_ip() -> str: """Get the host ip. :return: A string value. """ name = get_host_name() return get_ip(name)
[docs]def get_host_name() -> str: """Get the host name. :return: A string value. """ return re.sub(r"\.(?:local|lan)", "", socket.gethostname())
[docs]def get_ip(name: str) -> str: """Get the ip address. :param name: The name to be converted to an ip. :return: A string value. """ return socket.gethostbyname(name)
[docs]async def consume_queue(queue, max_count: int) -> None: """Consume ``count`` at least ``1`` and at most ``max_count`` elements from the given queue. :param queue: The queue to be consumed. :param max_count: The max count of elements to be consumed. :return: This function does not return anything. """ await queue.get() c = 1 while c < max_count: c += 1 try: queue.get_nowait() except QueueEmpty: break